Most Mathematics courses have prerequisites that are listed as part of the course description. For transfer-level courses, you can meet the prerequisite by taking the designated class or by demonstrating that you have taken an equivalent course somewhere else (including high school). For pre-transfer level courses, you may be eligible to enroll in a course even if you do not satisfy the prerequisites: you may be given a default recommendation to take a corequisite support course, but have the option of declining this recommendation through the assessment office or with a counselor.

If it is unclear that you have met the prerequisite for the class in which you wish to enroll, you might be blocked by the system. For more information about how prerequisites work please visit us at the college website:

To inquire about default recommendations and the assessment process please visit us here: You may also contact the Cañada College Welcome Center (located on the First Floor of Building 9, and at (650) 306-3452) for assistance.

Course Listings