Academic Probation, Removal from Probation, and Dismissal

Academic Probation

A student is placed on academic probation using the following criteria:

  1. Academic probation based on grade point average: A student who has attempted at least 12 semester units, as shown by the official cumulative record, shall be placed on academic probation if the student has earned a grade point average below 2.0 in all units which were graded on the basis of the grading scale (see page 21).
  2. Academic probation based on failure to maintain satisfactory progress: A student who has enrolled in a total of at least 12 semester units, as shown by the official cumulative record, shall be placed on academic probation when the percentage of all enrolled units for which entries of W, I, and NP are recorded reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

The two probationary criteria described above will be applied in such a manner that a student may be placed on probation under either or both systems, and subsequently may be dismissed under either or both systems.

Students who have been on probation for two consecutive semesters will lose their priority registration status.

Beginning Fall 2016, students who have been on probation for two consecutive semesters are in jeopardy of losing their California College Promise Grant.

Removal from Probation

A student placed on academic probation on the basis of grade point average shall be removed from probation when his/her cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher.

A student placed on academic probation on the basis of failure to maintain satisfactory progress shall be removed from probation when the percentage of units completed is above 50 percent.

The student is required to meet with a counselor each semester until GPA reaches 2.0, or successful completion of classes reaches over 50%, or both of the above.


A student in probationary status shall be subject to dismissal if in any two subsequent semesters either or both of the following criteria are applicable:

  1. The student’s cumulative grade point average is less than 1.75 in all units attempted.
  2. The cumulative total of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of W, I, and NP have been recorded reaches or exceeds 50 percent.

A student in dismissal status must meet with a counselor in the Student Success Program in order to be reinstated to the College and allowed to enroll in classes. The Student Success Program consists of a workshop and meeting with a counselor during the semester. Students in dismissal status may be restricted to a limited number of units. The student must demonstrate academic progress during the semester after reinstatement in order to enroll in subsequent semesters. Students who wish to waive the Student Success Program requirements must receive approval from a counselor or the Dean of Counseling.

Student Notification

If the student is on probation or in dismissed status, he/she will receive notification in writing at the end of the semester.