Attendance Regulations

Regular attendance in class and laboratory sessions is an obligation assumed by each student at the time of his/her/their registration. When a student fails to attend class, he/she/they miss the content of the session, and course continuity is reduced. When failure to attend class places a student’s success in jeopardy, the instructor may drop the student from the class.

Total hours of absence which exceed twice the number of hours a class meets in a week define “excessive absence” as used by many instructors in dropping students for nonattendance. Instructors may, however, utilize stricter attendance requirements.

Absence due to participation in college-sponsored activities may be considered excused when the student informs and receives permission from the instructor in advance of the absence and makes up all work missed.

A student dropped from any class for nonattendance may appeal in writing to the Division Dean within five College calendar days of such a drop if the student thinks the absences should be excused, and reinstatement in class can be justified. Students may, with the permission of the instructor, remain in class while their appeal is being reviewed. A recommendation regarding the appeal will be forwarded to the instructor whose decision is final.