Consequences of Academic Dishonesty
Disciplinary sanctions may be applied in cases of academic dishonesty. Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, a student may:
- Receive a failing grade on the test, paper, or examination.
Under the District standards of Disciplinary Sanctions, the student may be subject to:
- A Warning: An instructor may give written or verbal notice to a student that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for further disciplinary action.
- Temporary Exclusion From An Activity Or Class: An instructor may remove a student who is in violation of the guidelines for student conduct for the duration of the class period or activity during which the violation took place and, if necessary, for the day following. The instructor shall immediately report such removal to the college chief executive officer or his/her designee for appropriate action.
- Censure: The Vice President, Student Services may verbally reprimand a student or may place on record a written statement which details how a student’s conduct violates District or College regulations. The student receiving such a verbal or written statement shall be notified that such continued conduct or further violation of District/College rules may result in further disciplinary action.
- Disciplinary Probation: The Vice President, Student Services or his/her designee may place a student on disciplinary probation for a period not to exceed one semester. Repetition of the same action or other violations of District/College rules and regulations during the probationary period may be cause for suspension or expulsion. Disciplinary probation may include one or both of the following: a. Removal from any or all College organization or offices; or b. Denial of privileges of participation in any or all College or student sponsored events.
- Disciplinary Suspension: The termination of student status for a definite period of time. A suspended student may not be present on campus and is denied College privileges including class attendance and all other student body or College granted privileges. Refer to Suspension Policy for details.
- Expulsion: A permanent termination of student status and all attending rights and privileges. Expulsion of a student is accomplished by action of the Board of Trustees on recommendation of the college chief executive officer and the Chancellor. An expelled student shall not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester without the approval of the chief executive office of the College. Refer to Expulsion Policy or details.
- If a sanction entails any action greater than a written or verbal notice, the instructor must submit a Notice of Student Violation of the Cañada College Academic Integrity Policy to the Vice President, Student Services for review and appropriate follow up. This form will identify the infraction and the sanction, and should be signed by both the student and instructor.
- If a student receives any of these sanctions, he/she must first address his/her concerns with the instructor. If the student believes that the instructors’ decision is unfair, the student may appeal the decision to the Vice President of Student Services in accordance with the Student Discipline Policy and Appeals Process.
- The Vice President of Student Services maintains a record of students who have engaged in academic dishonesty. This information is used to identify and discipline students who have been reported for academic dishonesty more than once, and may be shared with other faculty in whose classes the student is enrolled.
- Any record of academic dishonesty will be maintained in the Vice President of Student Services’ records for a period of two years at which time, barring further infractions, it will be permanently removed.