California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
Building 9, Room 137Phone: (650) 381-3529
CalWORKs is a state funded program at Cañada College, it offers CalWORKs recipients with additional support services to assist in their quest for a college education or employment.
- Two-parent or single parent household
- Parent (s) AND child must be a CalWORKs/ TANF recipient (receiving cash assistance)
- Priority registration
- Academic, career and personal counseling
- Parenting, nutrition and other personal/professional development workshops
- Peer mentoring
- CalWORKs work-study and placement
- Monthly enrollment verifications to the County
- Laptop loan
- Financial assistance such as gas cards, parking permits and backpack supplies as budget permits
- Child care for study time (when budget permits)