Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)

Building 9, Room 133
Phone: (650) 306-3300
Email:  caneops@smccd.edu
Web: canadacollege.edu/eops
EOPS: canadacollege.edu/eops/eops
CARE: canadacollege.edu/eops/care
NextUp/FYSI: canadacollege.edu/fysi/

EOPS is a state funded program that aims to help low-income and educationally disadvantaged students succeed in college.

Who is eligible for EOPS?

You must be a California resident, registered in at least 12 units (unless enrolled in the DRC program), have earned less than 70 units, not have already earned a college degree, be eligible for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), and meet the definition of “educationally disadvantaged.”

What services does EOPS provide?

EOPS supports student success by providing some of the following services:

  • Counseling
  • Retention Services
  • Priority Registration
  • Book Voucher
  • Assistance with applying for financial aid and scholarships
  • Transfer Assistance
  • Application Fee Waiver to CSU/UC Universities
  • Loan: Laptop/Calculator/Voice Recorder
  • Graduation Regalia
  • Emergency Loans
  • Bus Passes
  • PTK Membership

CARE: Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education

CARE is an adjunct program operating within the framework of EOPS that is designed to provide support to single parents receiving county assistance from CalWORKs and TANF as they pursue their college education. The program collaborates closely with the County Human Services Agency to help students meet both program and County requirements.  CARE offers a range of assistance, including educational grants, workshops, food, and transportation support, among others, to enable students to achieve academic success.

NextUp: Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support

NextUp represents a specialized program under the umbrella of EOPS, designed to customize and enhance the services provided to current and former foster youth who were in foster care on or after their 13th birthday and below 26 years of age. The program offers a range of supports to students aimed at facilitating their successful attainment of academic and career objectives. Such supports include transportation and food assistance, counseling, as well as educational grants.

How to apply for EOPS, CARE and NextUp?

Please contact the EOPS/CARE/NextUP/FYSI Office or visit our website for more information. 
¿Cómo puedo calificar? Comuníquese con la oficina de EOPS/CARE/NextUP/FYSI o visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información. Hablamos Español.